MTW is on hiatus during 2024 due to Eurovision Song Contest that is being held in Malmö during the same period which means there are no available hotels. We are looking forward to MTW2 in 2025 instead!

It is a WTC style tournament with 5 player teams, (24 teams), total 2000 points fully painted armies. Since this event will be close to WTC will all scoring, pairing and ruling at Malmö Team Weekend be the same as WTC.
Malmö Quality Hotel View
MTW is hosted at Quality Hotel View. It's a new fresh hotel with well lit, well ventilated, gaming rooms. Outside the gaming rooms there is a large open space to chill out between the games and enjoy the free ice cream and coffee. Use "MFF" as your discount code if booking your room at the hotel.
How to get there
Malmö Quality Hotel View is located next door to Hyllie train station. Hyliie station is a single stop from Copenhagen Airport and Malmö city by train, and if you go by car it's just a 3 minutes drive from E6 highway with parking across the street.
168 players
24 team (5 man per team) tickets are available for 40K, and 12 team (4 man per team) tickets are availablef or AoS. This adds upp to a massive 168 player weekend! The tickets are sold one per team and can be found in our webshop.
MTW Information and FAQ
All practical information is found below in our FAQ or in the player pack. Make sure you check below before you contact us. If you have questions not covered by below informiation, please contact us through PM on Facebook or by email. Email: malmofigurspel@gmail.com
Tickets are sold one ticket per teams, not to individuals. Make sure you have a team ready before one of the team members buys the ticket.
40K: The price is 4000 SEK per team ticket (800SEK/player)
Store link: www.malmofigurspel.se/store
Use the code “MFF” when booking through nordicchoicehotels homepage.
Warhammer 40K:
February 12th: Invitational ticket release
February 26th: Ticket release
April 9th: Last day for ticket refund
April 30th: Codex, errata and FAQ cutoff
May 7th: Last day for list and player registration on BCP
May 8th: Lists are public
May 20-21st: MTW Tournament
Age of Sigmar:
February 12th: Invitational ticket release
February 26th: Ticket release
April 9th: Last day for ticket refund
April 30th: Codex, errata and FAQ cutoff
May 7th: Last day for list and player registration on BCP
May 8th: Lists are public
May 20-21st: MTW Tournament
Please PM us on Facebook.
If you don’t have Facebook, please email us on malmofigurspel@gmail.com
We adhere to the “Battle Ready” format from Games Workshop.
There are most likely other people in your situation.
We have a dedicated channel in our Discord for MTW looking for group.
You can also try the Facebook events for MTW.
We do not keep a list of people looking for team, we will direct everyone who asks to these channels.
No, the ticket requires names and email for all team members.
If you lack one or two team memebers and it is not possible to find a replacement you can still play.
However your team will automatically loose the games you cannot play due abscent team members.
Team A comes to MTW but only has 3 of 4 ppl attending.
Their game against Team B who has 4 players might end upp with the following result for Team A:
Player A1-Player B1: Win
Player A2-Player B2: Loss
Player A3-Player B3: Win
No Player A4-Player B4: Loss due to Walk-Over
The loss will be counted as follow:
Age of Sigmar tournament: 0-20
Warhammer 40.000 tournament: 6-14
Yes, it’s posslbe until May 7yh when the deadline for sending in the lists.
Send your ticket number and the name of the team member being replaces and the name of the new team member.
Link to schedule HERE
The schedule is the same for both Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar.
Saturday May 20th | |
Player registration (mandatory) | 07:30-08:00 |
Pre-event Briefing (captains) | 08:00-08:30 |
Game 1 | 08:30-12:30 |
Lunch | 12:30-13:30 |
Game 2 | 13:30-17:30 |
Dinner | 17:30-18:30 |
Game 3 | 18:30-22:30 |
Sunday May 21st | |
Captains meeting | 08:15-08:30 |
Game 4 | 08:30-12:30 |
Lunch | 12:30-13:30 |
Game 5 | 13:30-17:30 |
Awards | 17:45 |
Full refund is made until April 9th. After that date no refunds are given.
Refunds are only given on team ticket. If one person wants to drop out of your team, you’re responsible for finding a new member and sort the money between yourselves.
If refund is given we pay back the full money to the same person that paid for the team ticket.
It is allowed to hand over ticket or team spots to other people. You must let us know which players that are changed so we can change our lists, player badges etc. Contact us on malmofigurspel@gmail.com